

How to Face the Reality?


 lot of things happened today ..
Everything seems like a nightmare ..

The Environment force me to feel that
Humans beings are damn fake
I use to ask, why they like to pretend ?
But the worst thing is.... sometimes I am one of them !

I hurt a guy's heart,I told him a lot of nonsense
I know he must be very sad right now...
 I am so guilty !! :(
Can you let me calm down first ?
Everything will settle soon, but not right now! 
I'm so sorry...

By the way, they hurt me too.. 
You never know how sarcastic they are..
Can you please take off your poker face!?

All this thing remind me of
"Never trust anyone else..
even your shadow will leave u at darkness!"

It's time start to face the Reality?
I really Fed up to the world...

12 則留言:

  1. See lyk23.6.11

    How come u FED UP so fast?You r still young&pretty WAT?
    However I always support you de!:-D

  2. WooLala23.6.11

    you still have your family members. That's the only people you can trust with. good luck and all the best!

  3. 匿名23.6.11

    This is the community..who ever can really keep their heart as pure as they born with? Sometimes we do need to pretend, but not too over.. good luck to u :)

  4. ztilb23.6.11

    look into the brighter side, maybe it will lead you to a happier life =)

  5. "Never trust anyone else..
    even your shadow will leave u at darkness!"

    you go to my blog..u just see the picture of the top..hope it can help you..tell me what you see.. :)

  6. Aaron23.6.11

    Hmmm... get use to it and move on lady... you will have many FAKE people around you.. people walk in walk out of your life and get near to you because you are PRETTY... try cutting your hair to bold... all these people will disappear.. the most important thing is live life to the max.... as long you have few good buddies to share your life... its good enough =) cheers....

  7. thanks everyone.i will recover soon !

  8. tom tee23.6.11

    Each morning when you open your eyes, say to yourself:
    You, and not the day's events have the power to make you happy for unhappy today. You can choose which it shall be.
    Yesterday is dead, tomorrow hasn't arrived yet. You have just one day - Today. When you start your day; tell yourself, I'm going to be happy today and everyday..cheers...

  9. 匿名23.6.11

    what happen to the last photo?

  10. 匿名23.6.11

    young gal, u are pretty... can i give you some personal advice? i think u look great after u putting on Braces on teeth. u should do it... sure look much prettier.

  11. 喜欢这系列的照片

  12. 开心的事放大来看, 伤心的事缩小来看; 少钻牛角尖, 从另一个角度看事情, 说不定你会觉得这不就是他妈的小事一件嘛.
    模特儿的职业 + 决定把自己的事和大家分享, 你的身边肯定少不了闲人(我啦),恶人,坏人,好人,杂人,傻人,疯人,常人,bla bla bla… 那个是鬼那个是神只有你才知道啦.
    要学习抗压 + 过滤讯息 + 活的开心. 祝你成功
    P.s: 建议你可以看看刘墉的书 (处事和激励系列), 我相信你能从中得益 ;-)
